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2 thoughts on “A1 – 12 – Viaggiare in aereo (en)”

  1. Ciao Carmine,
    Is there a difference between Vietare and Proibire?

    The last spoken text of this lesson is the wrong text. It’s the same text of the lessson “Viaggiare in Treno.” But you probably know that already.
    Well, it’s no problem.
    I really really like this unita. I am going to Arezzo next week, by plain and by train, so this unita makes me very happy. It’s so useful.


    1. Ciao Corinne, first of all thank you so much for telling me about the wrong audio. I hadn’t realised that I had uploaded the wrong one. Now I’ve corrected it, so if you want, you can listen to it again. Also, I’m very glad you liked this lesson and that you found it useful for your upcoming trip. I hope you’ll have a great time in Arezzo!
      And to answer your question, there is no difference between Vietare and Proibire, so you can use either one of these verbs. 🙂

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