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2 thoughts on “A1 – 21 – Non sa venire qui (en)”

  1. Ciao Carmine,

    I don’t understand why “te” is used in this sentence: Ma la pasta te la mangi fredda.
    Well, I understand it can be: Ma la pasta, la mangi fredda.
    But I can’t figure out why “te” is there.

    groetjes, Corinne

  2. Ciao Corinne,

    this is an example of two pronouns combined together (see the previous grammar section for this). In this case we’re not using the simple verb “mangiare” but the reflexive form “mangiarsi” which we use in Italian especially when we want to put emphasis on the benefit you get from eating something (for example: domani mi mangio una bella pizza -> I not only eat the pizza, but I do it to enjoy it). In the dialogue, he says “Ma ti mangi la pasta fredda” (so you won’t get that much of a benefit, you won’t enjoy it that much).
    Now, if I replace “la pasta” with the direct pronoun “la”, the sentence becomes “te la mangi” (“ti” becomes “te” before “la”, as you just learned in the previous grammar section).
    I hope it’s not too confusing. You’ll get used to this kind of construction with practice.
    If you have more questions, let me know.

    Carmine 🙂

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