Easy Italian for kids (Adventures at the farm)
This is a book for English-speaking kids (and some grown-ups) who want to start learning Italian in an easy and fun way. Through the adventures of Lino the little pig, Nella the chicken and lots of other funny animals (and some magical creatures) that live in a beautiful farm, children will learn to introduce themselves, to greet someone and to tell them how they are doing. They will also learn some basic vocabulary for common objects and places, the colors, farm animals and wild animals and they’ll also learn to count from one to ten. At the end of this course, they’ll be able to construct simple sentences, to thank someone, to apologize and to ask what- and who- questions. The engaging multi colored illustrations by Barbara Albanese, the music, the animations and some sing along activities will be a stimulating experience for your children who’ll learn quickly while having fun.
What I’ll find in the book
What I’ll learn
Introducing Yourself
Asking how someone is doing
Common objects
Some elements of our environment
The colors
Farm animals
Wild animals
Numbers from 1 to 10
Short sentences with essere
Some sentences with avere
Singular and plural
Where can I find the book ?
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Apple books
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Publiwide Reader
Infinity reader
Gitden Reader
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